Our Courses

Each course consists of five lessons, one-and-a-half-hour each, introducing the practice of yoga step-by-step. You will learn the twelve classical positions and their benefits; breathing techniques that lead to peace of mind and increased vitality; and how to relax deeply; as well as receiving an introduction to the principles of a vegetarian diet and meditation. The course will give you a firm foundation for a home practice and for further instruction into the deeper principles of yoga.

The course includes

  • The twelve classical asanas (yoga postures) and their benefits
  • The sun salute
  • Yogic breathing techniques
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Introduction to the yogic diet
  • Introduction to meditation and positive thinking

COURSE: Once week, each lesson 1 ½ hours, for five weeks (five lessons)

OR Twice a week each lesson 1 ½ hours, for two and a half weeks (five lessons)

COST: €70 +  €30 annual membership

Please call beforehand to register a place.


November 2016

Monday 8pm – 9:30pm
7 November to 5 December

Tuesday & Thursday 10am – 11:30am
8 to 22 November

Saturday 5pm – 6:30pm
19 November to 17 December

Monday & Wednesday 6pm – 7:30pm
21 Novembre to 5 December

Tuesday 8pm – 9:30pm
13 December to 24 January

December 2016

Tuesday 8pm – 9:30pm
13 Dicember to 24 January


For those students who have completed Yoga 1 and who would like to go deeper into the practice of the asanas. Focus will be on developing simple variations on the basic postures and holding positions for longer periods of time. Emphasis will be put on mastering the headstand.

COURSE: Once week, each lesson 1 ½ hours, for five weeks (five lessons)

OR Twice a week each lesson 1 ½ hours, for two and a half weeks (five lessons)

COST: €70 +  €30 annual membership

Please call beforehand to register a place.


November 2016

Saturday 12.00pm – 1:30pm
5 November to 1 December

Thursday  8pm – 9:30pm
10 November to 15 December

Tuesday & Thursday 10am – 11:30am
24 November to 13 December

December 2016

Monday & Wednesday 6pm – 7:30pm
7 to 21 December

YOGA 3  (Intermediate)

The course is open to those who have completed Yoga 1 and 2 and who want to further their practice to an intermediate level. Positions will be held for longer periods and intermediate variations introduced. Mastery of the headstand is necessary for this course.

COURSE: Once week, each lesson 1 ½ hours, for five weeks (five lessons)

OR Twice a week each lesson 1 ½ hours, for two and a half weeks (five lessons)


COST: €70 +  €30 annual membership

Please call beforehand to register a place.